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Family Farm Day - October 2022

This year Lydia Place brought families to Family Farm Day at Unbridled Spirit.

We had such a lovely time, horse rides, mini horse grooming, arts and crafts, photo shoot, lunch and most of all time for connection.

We couldn't have done this event without the support of our community members and volunteers. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to this event,

it was successfully fun day!

Thank you to Lydia Place for bringing your families to this event!

for more information on Lydia Place and their amazing work click below.

Tax ID # 87-2397848

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Windy Acres Farm, Bellingham, WA

360 - 594 - 5584

721 Van Wyck Road Bellingham WA 98226

©2022 by Unbridled Spirit 7. Proudly created with

Site managed by Molly McKenna. 

Donations also accepted through venmo 
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